Ray Harryhausen's 1981 special effects swan song...
In this week's episode of Weirdhouse Cinema, we discuss Clash of the Titans, a film that stretches of the definition of "titan" but also unleashes an incredible stampede of stop-motion creatures including Pegasus, the Kraken and everyone's favorite clockwork owl Bubo.
I grew up watching this one on cable a lot, so I have a lot of nostalgia for it -- but this latest rewatch really made me appreciate Burgess Meredith's performance so much more. He really breathes a lot of life into the human scenes of this special effects film and helps balance out a lot of the dryer god-and-hero speak. Anyway, the main attraction here is still the Harryhausen creatures -- and the Medusa sequence on the Isle of the Dead is absolutely perfect.
What's up next on Weirdhouse Cinema? We'll return to the wild world of 80s Taiwanese fantasy with the cult favorite Child of Peach, which is not easy to come by but can be streamed on YouTube. In the meantime, be sure to check out the merch store and follow us on Letterboxd! All the movies we've covered are listed there in our list and you can click "read notes" to get links to the individual episodes posted here.