It's like of Greek mythology took place inside an 80s Italian disco...
This week on Weirdhouse Cinema, we dive into the 1983 Itallian Hercules film starring Lou Ferrigno as the mighty hero, William Berger as science-loving King Minos and Sybil Danning as his daughter Adriana. It's an outrageous film that pushes the boundaries of myth and science fiction -- never going full "aliens and spaceships" but also creating a vision of Greek and Roman myth that is incredibly cosmic and fashionable. And it's also a refreshingly PG movie, though some of these costumes are worn within an inch of their lives.
You can catch this on on HBO Max, Blu-ray or wherever you buy and purchase digital films. Remember that the show now has its own Instagram page (linked at the top of this website) and you can follow the link tree there to access the STBYM podcast feed as well as merch. What's up next on Weirdhouse Cinema? Prepare yourself for Phase IV (1974).