In which we finally cover Ed Wood's 1957 cinematic monolith...
Yes, at long last we're covering our first Ed Wood film on Weirdhouse Cinema and it's the most famous one of them all: Plan 9 From Outer Space, a movie so weird and roughly assembled that it feels as much like outsider art as an example of low-budget sci-fi horror cinema. If you haven't seen it, please do! Plan 9 is just relentlessly laugh-out-loud weird, so we can barely do it justice in a single episode of Weirdhouse Cinema.
If you want to see the Tor Johnson wrestling footage, you'll find it right here.
I mentioned the salute to Ed Wood segment on 1981's It Came From Hollywood! Here's the bit in question, though be advised that it contains both Ed Wood film content AND early 80s humor from presenter John Candy -- so there might be some stuff here that doesn't fly today:
Now, in the episode, Joe mentions a record put out by Paul Marco and the Amazing Criswell. Here's the Discogs entry for it and here are the tracks:
Alright, next week on Weirdhouse Cinema, we return to the 1980s with the Taiwanese fantasy adventure film Thrilling Bloody Sword. In the meantime, be sure to check out the merch store and follow us on Letterboxd! All the movies we've covered are listed there in our list and you can click "read notes" to get links to the individual episodes posted here.