In which we discuss a couple of silent films from the 1920s...
In today's episode of Weirdhouse Cinema, we dive back into the silent era for a reminder of some of the serious creativity and skill that went into this period of film history -- as well as some of the fun and weird ideas that they were very much into.
Specifically, it's a look at the animated Cinderella from 1922 and The Mechanical Man from 1921. I'm going to embed them both below, along with the Weirdhouse Cinema episode itself. You can find various versions of either film on popular streaming sites -- but do note that The Mechanical Man remains a partially lost film, so you won't be able to see it in its entirety without a time machine.
I hope you enjoyed this one! We might come back and do this format again, with other silent films, short or experimental films and any sort of film that Joe and I can't discuss for an entire episode. Feel free to hit us up with ideas. As for next week on Weirdhouse Cinema, we will continue our Trilogy of FLORIDA MOVIES with the 1971 film Zaat aka The Blood Waters of Dr. Z.
The Cinderella film is just fantastic; the soundtrack, the shapes, the colors. Mind in the heavens.