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Weirdhouse Cinema: The Humanoid (1979)

In celebration of Star Wars week, here's a late 70s Italian space opera...

It's Star Wars week on STBYM, so we did a couple of episodes about the science behind various aliens in the Star Wars universe -- and we WERE going to do an unrelated film for today's Weirdhouse Cinema. But then we remembered all the glorious post-Star Wars sci-fi cash grabs and knew we had to watch one of then.

We landed on 1979's The Humanoid, which stars the towering Richard Kiel, Barbara Bach, Arthur Kennedy and a bunch of stuff that looks like Star Wars. I'm going to go ahead and plug in the full film and the podcast episode right here:

It's no Star Wars, but it has a lot of fun stuff in it -- provided you can stick through the first 15 minutes or so. One of the many noteworthy things about is it, is that the legendary Ennio Morricone scored it! So, I thought it fitting to include an example of his work on this film, along with some of the true gems from his expansive film score career:

Next week, we'll complete our Florida Movie trilogy with the 1977 aquatic zombie film Shock Waves. It's a good one.

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