Let's venture to Middle Earth by way of late-Soviet television...
It’s time for Weirdhoues Cinema to return to the world of Russian cinema and also to… Middle Earth? Yes, let’s bask in the glory of “Khraniteli” AKA “The Keepers” AKA that 1991 Leningrad Television adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Fellowship of the Ring.”
Ok, so let's have some of the media mentioned in this episode, starting with Khraniteli itself in two parts, followed by an optional highlight video Make sure to turn closed captioning on:
Andrei Romanov is responsible for the score on this film and was part of the famous Russian rock band Aquarium, or Akvarium. So have a listen to this album:
What's up next on Weirdhouse Cinema? Let's just say I'm currently wrestling between Southern Gothic, Spanish horror and 70s British biker films...