The Shaw Brothers' 1975 superhero film is here to melt your brain...
Just look at these beautiful monsters. These varied mutants, beasts and robots serve as some of the prime enemies to the titular hero of The Super Inframan. Each enemy boasts its own special attacks, physical energy and distinct persona. If they were the only notable aspects of the film (which is sometimes the case with monster films) then this would still be a super fun film. But everything ELSE in the film is also visually splendid, weird and thoroughly enjoyable.
Let's go ahead and hit the trailer and the episode...
MST3K fans may recognize the skull troopers in this film as being the primary influence on the design of the "Skeleton Crew" band on the Netflix seasons of the show -- and Jonah Ray has been very vocal about his love of this movie over the years. He has good taste!
Like we say in the episode, don't settle for a low-quality riff on this movie. Pick up the restored BluRay from 88 Films or find it digitally on Apple TV or a related service.
Weirdhouse Cinema comes out every Friday in the Stuff to Blow Your Mind podcast feed -- and don't forget that you can get WHC merch right here. What's next for us? Well if you want to watch ahead, I'm looking into the Christmas horror movie "Blood Beat" from 1983, but nothing is certain yet.