Joe returns to the show for some 1950s robot high jinks...
Joe has returned to show following some parental leave and we found the perfect movie for his sleep-deprived brain: 1954's Tobor the Great. Yes, "Tobor" is "robot" spelled backwards. This film is often looked over, but it's a far stronger entry in 50s sci-fi than you might expect -- with charming gadgets, fun performances, above-average techno babel and a story that chugs right along. Plus it stars the little boy from 1955's The Night of the Hunter.
Next week, I think it's gonna be G2. If not next week, then the week after. n the meantime, be sure to check out the merch store and follow us on Letterboxd! All the movies we've covered are listed there in our list and you can click "read notes" to get links to the individual episodes posted here.